Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems | PRIMA 2016 | Turin, Italy


The student session provides an opportunity for students to discuss their research interests and career objectives with established researchers in the field, network with other participants, and receive mentoring about career planning and career options. The student session will expose students to different areas of research within autonomous agents and help build professional connections within the international community of researchers.

Multiple scholarships are available for students wishing to attend the student session. In addition to the student session, scholarship holders will have access to all PRIMA sessions (keynotes, technical sessions, student session and tutorials) and also to every other PRIMA/PRICAI sessions and events, including the PRIMA workshop ( and the PRICAI Student Symposium on the Artificial Intelligence and Applications (, as well as the other workshops, the PRIMA mini-school and PRIMA student session/mentoring activities. The scholarship will NOT include social events and conference material.

The scholarships are available to students at all levels (doctoral, master, junior-Post doctoral, or bachelor) students.

Please visit the student session page for further information.